Kenyan man and a woman for that case seem to be too pressed for this or that chore but all the same,the fine word will have to come from the pocket since it is here in Kenya that is said to talk louder than mouth,if you don't believe this,you properly have to travel all the way to the only university in in gates of seven wonders of the world in order to believe this,you also properly have to look for second year class to narrate to you the real ordeal about money and how a Kenyan student ,hard-pressed between maintaining their status -guo and compromising the man in the hall,in short am saying` lecturers too take bribe in case of any exam irregularity`
the economy is tough,things are becoming too harsh!
lecturers too take bribe in case of any exam irregularity` with the growing demand for domestic products,narok town seem to be the gold-mine that has not been discovered by gold diggers,it is the 8th richest county collecting upto 3 million daily but few supermarket seem to have neglected this town,thanks to VICMART AND NAIVAS SUPERMARKET for being loyal to cilbtrits in this town,Naivas being the most effective supermarket is overgrowded by shoppers(both window and real ) fgrom morning to evening.